Mark Teaches ‘Fingerstyle Ukulele’ in California
Mark Teaches ‘Fingerpicking Ukulele’ in Palo Alto, California
Mark Teaches ‘Fingerpicking Ukulele’ in Palo Alto, California
Mark visits his own stomping grounds again for two guitar workshops at Gryphon Stringed Instruments, 211 Lambert in Palo Alto. #1) 10:30-12:30; A New Approach To Travis Picking, for Beginning to Intermediate fingerpickers. Learn this ubiquitous style from the ground up. Mark will have you picking beautifully in no time. All new material! #2) 1:30-3:30; Intermediate to advanced fingerpicking. Mark will teach you the techniques to improve your playing and interpretation. He will also teach his stunning versions of “Don’t Know Why” (Love Songs CD) and “You Don’t Know Me” (Author’s Notes CD). $40 each, $75 for both. To reserve […]